Classic and Cost Reduction

Recently, there seems to be some attention regarding a free Feldrake so I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss tempo in classic and the massive role played by free or reduced cost cards.

Just take a look at some of the winners and top contenders of classic tournaments over the past couple of years to get an idea of how important cost reduction is.

While we know tempo is a key point for aggro and midrange decks to maintain their advantage in a given game, if we look at cost reduction and the role it plays in making a competitive deck, we can see there is plenty of room for further deck innovation and brewing.

Below, I’ve compiled many of the cards present from top finishes that specifically reference cost reduction, free cost, or generating a card in a free way (often by discarding a card into the graveyard for value. I would even argue that without the extra tempo of these effects, you’re pretty unlikely to find your way into the top 8 unless the volume of your deck is incredibly consistent. (Looking at you Grand Crusader Paladin and old school Aberration Hunter)
(Note these are not the full decklists, you can find those on the Decks page.)

2022 October

1st. ez Clappuccino
Rogue - Vorix Zorbuzz

4 Marked for Death [EOT]
4 Surge of Adrenaline
3 Crimson Tempest
4 Broderick Langforth
4 Uruka the Cutthroat
4 Seal Fate
4 The Ring of Blood: The Warmaul Champion

2nd. Sebi
DK - Ghoulmaster Kalisa

3 Feldrake (anc)
3 Babagahnoosh the Grumpy
4 Twilight Vanquisher Knolan
3 Ragegobbler (Costs 2 but is a free card generated from the graveyard)
3 Uruka the Cutthroat
4 Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen
4 Sava'gin the Reckless
3 Shado-Pan Monastery
4 The Ring of Blood: The Warmaul Champion

2022 August

Warrior - Royal Guardian Ganyang

4 Lei Shen the Thunder King
4 Barnacle-Coated Greataxe
3 Pummel
1 Bladewhirl (2 in the sideboard)
4 Spirits of Auchindoun
2 Bracers of the Green Fortress
3 Shield Wall

2nd. Tartaruga
Mage/Shaman - Remi the Magnificent

4 Halion, Staff of Forgotten Love
4 Spiritbinding Totem (Unnerfed version)
4 Primal Totem

2022 April

5th. Timmir
Hunter - Feera Quickshot

4 Ranger’s Mark
2 Silencing Shot
4 The Aim of Eagles
3 Great Elekk
4 Dr. Boom!
4 Oshu'gun Crystal Powder
3 The Skybreaker
4 Shado-Pan Monastery

7th. Sebi
Mage - Vor'na the Wretched

4 Mana Tea
4 Arcane Intuition
3 Jaina, Archmage of the Kirin Tor
3 Really Big Worm
3 Worthy of Passing
4 Seeds of the Lashers

8th. Ciochon
Druid/Hunter - Jasani, Shrine Keeper

3 Jaina, Archmage of the Kirin Tor
4 Explosive Trap

2022 February

1st. Tartaruga
Mage - Velindra Sepulchre

4 A Question of Gluttony
4 Arcane Intuition
4 Arcane Focus
4 Mana Tea
4 Arcane Potency
2 Jaina, Archmage of the Kirin Tor

2021 June

1st. Sebi
Hunter - Shaii, Strategist Supreme

4 Swift Nightsaber
4 Gromble the Apt
4 Hemet Nesingwary
4 Track from Beyond (+ 16 Reveal quests)
3 Explosive Trap (sideboard)
3 Goran, Timewalker Lavacaller (sideboard)

2021 April

1st - Sebi
Priest - Xerandaal, Shade Servitor

4 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor
(+ 26 resources/Journey triggers)
(+ 7 cards to modify Tihan’s damage)
4 Great Elekk
1 Druid of the Talon
2 Arcanium Signet Bands

7th - Ciochon89
Druid - Arisella, Daughter of Cenarius

(Basically the entire harmonize deck is a gimmick combo based on cost reduction)

8th - Bálint
DK - Triton the Sacriligeous

4 Babaganoosh
4 Baby Murloc
4 Feldrake
4 Broderick Langforth
4 Gilblin Deathscrounger
4 Nalonae
4 Ragegobbler
4 Uruka the Cutthroat
4 Cairne, Earthmother’s Chosen
2 Neltharion, the Earth-Warder
4 Khorium Boar
4 Shado-Pan Monastery


So where do we go from here?

By acknowledging the massive role that free cards and alternate/reduced costs can play, it means there’s still potential to further innovate based on older unused cards and unsolved combos.

By simply searching “rather than pay” or “pay less” in WOW TCG Browser you can begin the deep dive and maybe you will be the next brewer to bust out a first place finish. Here’s just a sampling of some build around cards that could allow you to ride a tempo wave into top 8.

While there’s many roles you can choose to dedicate your fast tempo cards to, the idea is to pick something!

Maybe you want to overwhelm the opponent with abilities, allies, or equipment and reducing the costs many times can get you there.

Alternatively, you might want to slow things down and react to your opponent. But when push comes to shove and you need to find an answer, making your quests cheaper and therefore allowing you to to access more card draw and card filtering can give you a precise window where you lean on tempo to gain an advantage.

There are plenty more interactions to dig through, synergies to explore, and metagames to predict. Let me know below if I’ve missed an obvious inclusion here!

Until next time, keep flinging those free Feldrakes!

(Check out my previous articles and you’ll notice the emphasis on tempo there too!)