Reborn Card Sets

As part of continuing the game, the Reborn team will be releasing multiple custom card sets each year. Keep an eye out on socials @wowtcgreborn for announcements regarding set release!


Find the French Reborn Card Sets here.


Block 8 Monk Starter Set

Block 8 Starter Set

Totem Set


Please note: This product is not for sale and we cannot recommend a printing company. Translations in Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Spanish are coming soon. If you have any feedback for us regarding the set, please reach out through email or socials @wowtcgreborn.

Echoes of Thunder is the second set of Block 8 / Mists of Pandaria Block, released the 29th of August, 2021. This set and block are legal in WoWTCGReborn events.

*Don’t see a file or image format you need? Just ask!


Please note: This product is not for sale and we cannot recommend a printing company. Translations in Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Spanish are coming soon. If you have any feedback for us regarding the set, please reach out through email or socials @wowtcgreborn.

Into the Mists is the first set of Block 8 / Mists of Pandaria Block, released the 2nd of July, 2019. It marks the rotation of Block 6 / Aftermath Block out of Core. It is immediately legal for casual play and will become legal for competitive play this year at GenCon and then moving forward on the Reborn Circuit. You can find a brief introduction and overview of the themes and mechanics of the set here. Starter decks will be available soon and include reprints from older sets as well as a handful of new Monk cards. Into the Mists will be available on TCGBrowser soon!

*Don’t see a file or image format you need? Just ask!



Please note: This product is not for sale and we cannot recommend a printing company. Translations in French are coming soon. If you have any feedback for us regarding the set, please reach out through email or socials @wowtcgreborn.

Siege of Orgrimmar Treasure Set, released 6/12/20 is the corresponding treasure to the Siege of Orgrimmar Raid deck listed below, and the only treasure set to be released during Block 8 / Mists Block. It is legal for Reborn Circuit play on 6/19/20 and will have an expanded number of print and play files uploaded soon.



Please note: This product is not for sale and we cannot recommend a printing company. Translations in French are coming soon. If you have any feedback for us regarding the raid, please reach out through email or socials @wowtcgreborn.

The Siege of Orgrimmar is WoW TCG Reborn’s first ever Raid Deck. It is an automated raid meant to be played against three players. We highly value your feedback and recommend that anyone who plays the raid complete the Play Experience Survey linked below. This will help us understand our player base better and improve future Raids. We also reserve the right to revisit the Siege of Orgrimmar after a period of public playtest to make adjustments as needed. We will announce any such changes.

1/15/20 - Removed Ongoing from Blood and Thunder! (credit: Miracules)
1/15/20 - Reworded Xiang-Lin, the Jade Shaper to work as intended. (credit: Miracules)