2020 Reborn Circuit in Europe

A new Hope …


Since the start of the Reborn movement in the USA we European players are also trying to gather and play our favourite card game.

Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia, Italy & France, for example, all have active players, happy to play with all the cards, including Into the Mists Expansion and future Reborn sets.

All along the 2019 American circuit, players from our continent started to discuss, to share their feelings, their hope to live this kind of experience in Europe.

After many discussions with Woodrow, I’ve decided to give a part of my time to this noble quest!

The organisation of the first EU reborn circuit was on it first step, next is yours! ;)

How to strike back!?


To make things easier for everybody, players earn points in tournaments, points count toward the European ladder that ends in December. High placement on this ladder grants prizes for some players.
And that’s all we got… or not!

There will be two levels of events: Monthly Events (shops, clubs…) and Major Events. Major events should have some specific prizes we are still coming up with…and some others we already know but Shhh!!! I won’t spoil you for the moment! :) Monthly events can be run by shop owners & associations once per month, as its names teases, but there won’t be specific prizes provided for these. It’s up to the individual tournament organizer whether or not they’d like to provide prize support for Monthly Events.

So if you are interested in having some events in your shop/club, just contact me by the social medias @wowtcgreborn or on my personal Facebook as I’ll be organizing the European wing of WoW TCG Reborn! ;)

Which kind of person will return?


As many players as possible! And many tournament organizers too!

Do not forget that we are trying to gather our forces for the very first time in Europe since the death of the game! So we do not ask anything special from Tournament Organizers except to organize and provide a space for current players to continue or former players to start playing again, that they share their experiences with us, and anything else they’d like to share (pictures, videos, Zoltàn’s detailed Word Doc report, etc).

And if players can, we hope they’ll be able to travel a little, in order to take part to a major event in another country, to make frontiers falls and have a good time together!

This kind of encounter would be our prize!

If this interests you, keep an eye out on this website & other social media @wowtcgreborn! The 2020 European “Reborn” Circuit starts next week! ;)


Ludovic aka Ann Onymmouse