About the Circuit
The Reborn Circuit is a US and EU-based WoW TCG tournament circuit with live events across the United States and Europe. Each circuit event will feature prizes for the top cut, potential for side events (at the organizer’s discretion), and is 100% FREE of charge. Due to some of the events taking place at conventions or premium venues, the minimum cover charge will be used for those events with no additional upcharge.
Where Can I Play?
The list is growing as more organizer’s sign up and we anticipate reaching further to the East and West. You can find our current events schedule here.
What to Expect?
Expect to have a good time reliving the the glory of WoW TCG with old friends and new ones! Tournament kits are available free of charge to organizers that sign up to run an event on the circuit. Each kit will include an individualized playmat featuring WoW TCG artwork and info on the cut. In addition to playmats, various other prizes will be included such as promo cards and memorabilia.
Each circuit event will be Core, Contemporary, or Classic unless the organizer has received special permission to deviate from these formats. When possible, events will be live-streamed through Twitch with no commentary and later available on YouTube with commentary. Organizers will receive a copy of the Reborn Circuit Tournament Policy, so each event may have its own personality but will always have a good foundation to be run properly.
What’s the Leaderboard?
We will be tracking the stats of each player who participates in a WoW TCG Reborn Circuit event. There is a point system available to the TO’s by which we will track and rank each player throughout the year. At the end of the year we will give prizes out to the Top 8 on our Leaderboard and a very special prize to our 2019 Champion! Points will be granted to all Circuit events, a higher amount will be given to Convention and higher profile events, and the Tabletop Simulator ranked ladder will also have some points involved. The best way to secure a Top 8 spot on the leaderboard by the end of the year? Play in as many events as you can make it to and always win. Easy right?
Anything Else?
In addition to tracking where you’ve been and how you did, we will be posting decklists from the top cut of each event in the Decks section of the site. Keep an eye out on our socials @wowtcgreborn and website for info on upcoming events, coverage of those events, and all other news.
Thanks and happy gaming!
- Reborn Team