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GenCon 2019 Cube Draft

  • Indianapolis Convention Center (map)
gen con cube.jpg

Join us for a WoW TCG Cube Draft! We will have the Reborn Cube available for 16 participants to draft from. There will be a full explanation of the Cube Drafting rules followed by a brief Q&A before the event and materials are provided. So come as you are, but be quick to register as space is limited and several people have already pre-registered. You can find our 16-player Cube list here.

The winner will receive a golden Illidan trophy and an Extended Art Edwin Vancleef with accompanying Vanessa Vancleef and Defias Thug tokens.


The Top 8 cut after swiss will win the Dominate playmat pictured top with art by Chris Seaman. In addition to these, we have creative and fun ways to hand out door prizes and place bounties on certain players along the way. So if you plan on attending, there is a good chance that you’ll leave with something!

If you have any questions, just shoot us a message on socials or email @wowtcgreborn !

Earlier Event: August 1
GenCon 2019 Classic
Later Event: August 2
GenCon 2019 Core