Organizer: Woodrow Hood -
Format: L A Z Y P E O N
Description: Come battle in the green and white arena of the elusive Lazy Peon format where Empower allies are king and cards like Tuskarr Kite are somehow legal and maybe not that good! Lazy Peon is a best of one format where all black-bordered cards are legal so long as they are Common or Uncommon rarity - NO Rares or Epics allowed! Proxies are welcome, but must be full size original card images. If you don’t have a deck, feel free to print one or just show up and use a loaner! Contact Woodrow with any questions!
Pre-registration starts at 1PM and entry is FREE! Save yourself some time before the event and fill out a deck registration form today!
The playmat pictured below will be awarded to the Top 4 and additional prizes will be available for participation and winning the event.