2025 January Classic Top Decklists

1st. Quecks

1 Barathex, Undeath's Hand (thr)

4 Ashenvale (rei)
4 One Draenei's Junk (out)
4 Bros Before Hozen (eot)
4 Warden Maiev (rei)
4 Shandris Feathermoon (anc)
4 Ashenvale Acolyte (rei)
4 Corpse Explosion (sco)
3 Nyala Shadefury (anc)
3 Alethar the Blightspreader (rei)
3 Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest (anc)
3 Night Elf Arcanist (bet)
4 Bolin Moonflare (anc)
3 Anathel the Eagle-Eye (cro)
3 Naisha (rei)
3 Darnassus Warrior (anc)
4 Ashenvale Illusionist (rei)
3 Feldrake (anc)

2 Lexie Silverblade (anc)
3 Entomb (ice)
2 Belthira (bg(63)(e))
3 Goran, Timewalker Lavacaller (rei)

2nd. Archimedez

1 Brom Snowbrow

4 War Crimes
4 Concerted Efforts
4 A Donation of Silk
3 Extract of Necromantic Power
3 Huraand, the Defiler
3 Buck Ehn
4 Forgotten Tomb
3 Entomb
3 Ludvika Lightstone
2 Parvink
4 Corpse Explosion
3 Corruption of the Ages
4 William the Bloody
2 Gargoyle
1 "Mad Dogg" Lifebane
3 Iron Horde Greataxe
3 Battlegear of the Lost Catacomb
2 Anub'arak, The Traitor King
1 Grovewarden Daviak
2 Army of the Dead
2 Kilix the Unraveler

2 The Scourge of Lordaeron
1 Reoccupation
4 Strangulate
2 Vindicator Saaris
1 Army of the Dead